Human life is sacred from the moment of fertilization throughout the life continuum.


  • Is committed to providing its clients with accurate and complete information about prenatal development and abortion.
  • Is committed to integrity in dealing with clients in such a way that the PSC will earn their trust, give them promised information and services, and abstain from any form of deception in advertising or individual conversations.
  • Is committed to assisting women to carry to term by providing emotional support and practical assistance. Through the provision of God’s people and the community at large, women may face the future with hope and plan constructively for themselves and their babies.
  • Will not discriminate in providing services on the basis of a client’s race, creed, color, national origin, age, or marital status.
  • Legalized abortion on demand is the unjustifiable taking of a human life, therefore the PSC will not counsel, refer or recommend any woman, regardless of circumstances of conception (rape and incest included), for an abortion.
  • We oppose the development, production and use of abortifacient pharmaceuticals and devices. The PSC, therefore, does not recommend, provide, or refer for abortifacients.


  • Offers assistance free of charge at all times.
  • Is committed to creating an awareness of the needs of pregnant women, and of the detrimental nature of abortion, within the local community.
  • Does not recommend or provide contraceptives, and the PSC will not refer them to agencies that do. The value of abstinence until marriage will be emphasized with single clients when discussing the topic of birth control. Health issues relevant to various forms of birth control may be addressed with clients.
  • Adoption is one viable alternative to abortion. The PSC commends those agencies that assist women in placing their children for adoption and the PSC will cooperate with such agencies whenever possible.


  • Affirms the biblical model for marriage and family as described in Genesis 2:24, Ephesians 5:21 and 6:4, Colossians 3:18,21, and I Peter 3:17.
  • Affirms the teaching that children are a blessing (Psalm 127:3ff) and welcomes them (Mark 10:13).