About Us
Thank you for taking the time to learn a little more about us!
Our desire at the PSC is to create a culture where lives are transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, with our clients choosing Life for themselves and their unborn children. We could not accomplish these goals if it weren’t for the highly supportive community that we live in. If you have any questions concerning this ministry and what we do, please feel free to contact us directly; we would love to have a conversation with you. Our hope and desire is that you find this ministry worthy of your time, support, and prayers. Working together, we can see more babies born!

What We Do
All services are offered Free of Charge
Pregnancy Test:
We offer laboratory quality pregnancy tests.
An Ultrasound gives us the ability to do first trimester scans on our clients. Having the ultrasound is one more benefit for our clients.
Statistics show that women who have an ultrasound rarely choose to terminate their pregnancy.
Options Counseling:
We counsel women on their choices and what is the best choice for their lives.
Pregnancy & Parenting Classes:
These classes educate women on what to expect when expecting and how to care for and parent a child.
Abstinence ‘Til Marriage Education:
Single clients are educated in choosing abstinence. We also speak to 6th-9th grade students in Lebanon and the surrounding area public schools about making good choices concerning sexual health.
Post-Abortion Recovery Groups:
Women who have had an abortion are encouraged to attend a weekend retreat for a time of emotional healing.
Clients are informed of various services provided by other agencies and offices in our community.